back in Maastricht

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Testing this service

Posted via email from sabredutch's posterous

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Funny British Video Ad

So now that I am sharing some fun examples take a look at this.

Did you guess who this is for?

British Humor

Some days we could all use some humor, especially when the day is just not progressing very well. I came accross this from a list I belong to. Not only does it invlove the industry I work in, it is just plain brilliant!

OK, click on link look on the right side of news paper site page. Hover with your mouse over it and have fun. Richard is a genious.

For all you Anglophiles out there check out these ads for a train service offered by Virgin. Does Richard Branson ever sleep?


Monday, September 17, 2007

On the road again ... to Branson, MO

So, here I am again, now in Wendy's aircraft sans Captain Wendy :(, en route to a well-known town in Missouri: Branson, country capital of the world!

Btw, Wendy corrected my last entry, making sure that people know that an MD80 has two engines and that Newark is EWR and Paris is CDG :). Thanks Captain - o - Captain.

Tomorrow will be a fun day with Mike and Karen reviewing the endless capabilities of the digital landscape, a.k.a the interactive canvas. I am actually looking forward to this "set the data free" dialog.

On a side note I assume that some of you have been reading about Nokia purchasing Enpocket which is an interesting move, positioning Nokia to inegrate advertising within their mobile devices.

Topping the usual media world news, The NYTimes decided to stop charging people for the content, making it 100 percent ad supported. This makes me wonder how many more qualified readers the WSJ would attract if they would open up their doors for all to read.

OK, we are taking off.



Ok, I have been a loyal AmericanAirlines traveller for a while now, ever since they took over TWA and their oh so modern fleet of super 80's (ha!). Due to the fun life of living between LGA, JFK, NWK, ORD, YYZ, DTW, MCI, LAX, BRU, PAR, TLV I have "earned" the wonderful elite status of Executive Platinum which in 2007 equals, a middle seat, all the way in the back of this wonderful aircraft. Sandwiched between to over sized people who may need additional seating to really be comfertable themselves.

Yes, I am really in a delightfull mood today as you can tell.

I can't wait to get out of this sardine can that some people refer to as a plane. It's hilarious that AMR, the parent company of AmericanAirlines is so cost concious that they have not made the effort to take off the iconic TWA brand from:

1) The drink carts (I started typing food when it occured to me that there is no food on planes anno 2007)

2) The actual plane entrance

3) The safety decal stickers

Oh last but not least, one cannot rant about AA or the Super 80's (which give Boeing who purchased McDonnal Douglas a terrible drag on their master brand) without mentioning the ever-present foul lavatory smell that eminates from the back of this triple engine tuna-can. Maybe the captain or at least the First Officer, Ahab, should do a real walk around and under the plane ending with a general stroll in the actual aluminum-can and judge if this is flight worthy.

OK, we are taking off.

Ciao all.

In the line in LGA

Ah, the usual Monday morning drill. It is 530 AM and here I am blogging from the security line in NY... So much fun

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Shana Tova 7568

Shana Chadasha, I can hardly believe it's time to turn the page and commence a new year already. I just returned back from a quick visit to Maastricht, to spend time with my parents (Benoit & Bella) and my brother (Ardon). I usually tend to surprise one of them. For example last year on Ardon's 18th bday I showed up all wrapped up in a giant FedEx box with a ribbon and all. Later that month I showed up for Rosh Hashana for my mother, hiding behind a curtain... yet each time either my parents or my dad new that I was en route. This time I felt like surprising them both. It was not originally in the plan. Originally Maurice and I were supposed to be in South Korea for the World Championship Soft Tennis where Xandra Mo's girlfriend was representing the Netherlands. I had to abrubtply change my plans due to the ongoing FUN, oh so fun, ever lasting construction in my new home in WilliamsPoint (a defiant combination of Williamsburg and Greenpoint). And since I was not going to work on the holiday I said to myself, just go to Holland, and spend time with the people that are so dear to you.

My parents especially had yet another challenging year together and rose up to the occasion to fight for our family unity. It was my way of honoring them and their hard work over the past couple of weeks. Ah, I loved every moment of it. From seeing the surprise on their faces, to the shabbat dinner at home, bike ride with my father and watching people from the Derlon terrace on the Onze Lievevrouweplein.

I feel so fortunate.

Oh my, I am going at it again... ranting beyond belief! I will try to pick up blogging again. I am determined to write about the fun experience of buying a property in the big apple, dealing with those wonderful, oh so honest real estate agents, building sponsors, contractors, attorneys, building engineers, etc, etc. etc.

So stay tuned!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

A while, and yet so much has happend...

It has been a while since I have posted anything to my blog. Excuses won't do it. We are all busy, and my grandma used to tell me that we can make time for what is important, so obviously this was not my priority. It's Saturday January 14th 2006, and my life is well balanced. It has been for the past year. My career in marketing continues to develop, and my personal life continues to evolve. Never a dull moment due to my wonderful friends, my loving family and this amazing city I live in (the big apple).

I plan on writing much more about what happened in the past 5 months since my last post, but in the meantime here is a quick summary.

In August I met my family to celebrate my dad, and his twin sister 60th birthday. We all met in Rome, Italy, where my cousin Michali is in her first year of medicine (can you believe it? studying medicine in Italian?!) The vacation was really nice, going every day from city to city in a luxury cruise liner, starting our trip in Roma, than off to Monte Carlo, Tuscany region, Pompeii, Napoli and than off to the Greek Islands such as Mykonos, Rhodes, Corfu, Santorini etc.

The 10 day trip was fabulous.

Upon my return, my best friend Maurice and his girlfriend Xandra came to visit me for 2+ weeks, which has become one of my favorite traditions! 3 years in a row now! We really had a blast together. September was a busy work month.

October I surprised my folks with a visit to Maastricht to celebrate Rosh Hashana. During this visit I spent some time in Amsterdam, and met my old friend Raymond Vogels, which was really special.

November was another busy work month and December was just crazy between work and my dad's visit, my quick holiday trip to SF and my long holiday trip to Israel.

The trip to Israel was... very special but more about that later.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Swing Time!
Posted by sabredutch

Let's Dance!
Posted by sabredutch

Swing it away!
Posted by sabredutch

Band in action!
Posted by sabredutch

The band at Pier 25, July 10th 2005
Posted by sabredutch

Smile On! July10th 2005 You can see Bruce and Drake on the back ground.
Posted by sabredutch

Smiling Swingers... and more? LOL
Posted by sabredutch

Suzanne and Doug, July 10th 2005, NYC Pier 25
Posted by sabredutch

Anna and Doron July 10th 2005, NYC Pier 25
Posted by sabredutch

Let's swing! Suzanne Couture dancing the night away on the left... she just came back from Fire Island. That night I saw Marla, Bruce, Martha, Heather (YUK), Rodney, Sardine (LOL), Anna-Bananna, Laurie, and Eliot!
Posted by sabredutch

Pier 25, NYC, July 10th 2005, First Night! After the park we drove to Pier 25 on the west side highway near the AmEx office building and WTC. Every summer for the past 5 years, right after Lincoln Center's Mid Summer Night Swing, Dance Manhattan (dance school) and Pier 25 organize every Sunday night for 7 weeks free live dances with LIVE music. Catherine and I went there to continue and share our booties and meet some of the swing crowd ...dancing to Jazz under the moon light!
Posted by sabredutch

Love that smile
Posted by sabredutch

Yum...all we did was smile, giggle and kiss for hours like 12 year olds. Thank g-d!
Posted by sabredutch

Do without glasses...Yes, folks it's official I am in 7th heaven
Posted by sabredutch

Quite Happy! Nay, Delirious! All I could do was smile... from ear to ear.
Posted by sabredutch

DoDo in the park! July 10th 2005...Yes, I was there too! ;)
Posted by sabredutch

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Investing in Gaza - New York Times

Investing in Gaza - New York Times

If people would only listen more to Thomas Friedman (NYT). His ability to understand the people on the ground, in the battle zone is something we clearly miss in many politicians who are supposed to work for us by listening to us. Why is the world indeed not supporting the Palastinians and the Israelis as they are nearing a critical milestone with the Gaza's withdrawel.

Condy, you should be there for the next 4 weeks holding their hands.