back in Maastricht

Saturday, January 14, 2006

A while, and yet so much has happend...

It has been a while since I have posted anything to my blog. Excuses won't do it. We are all busy, and my grandma used to tell me that we can make time for what is important, so obviously this was not my priority. It's Saturday January 14th 2006, and my life is well balanced. It has been for the past year. My career in marketing continues to develop, and my personal life continues to evolve. Never a dull moment due to my wonderful friends, my loving family and this amazing city I live in (the big apple).

I plan on writing much more about what happened in the past 5 months since my last post, but in the meantime here is a quick summary.

In August I met my family to celebrate my dad, and his twin sister 60th birthday. We all met in Rome, Italy, where my cousin Michali is in her first year of medicine (can you believe it? studying medicine in Italian?!) The vacation was really nice, going every day from city to city in a luxury cruise liner, starting our trip in Roma, than off to Monte Carlo, Tuscany region, Pompeii, Napoli and than off to the Greek Islands such as Mykonos, Rhodes, Corfu, Santorini etc.

The 10 day trip was fabulous.

Upon my return, my best friend Maurice and his girlfriend Xandra came to visit me for 2+ weeks, which has become one of my favorite traditions! 3 years in a row now! We really had a blast together. September was a busy work month.

October I surprised my folks with a visit to Maastricht to celebrate Rosh Hashana. During this visit I spent some time in Amsterdam, and met my old friend Raymond Vogels, which was really special.

November was another busy work month and December was just crazy between work and my dad's visit, my quick holiday trip to SF and my long holiday trip to Israel.

The trip to Israel was... very special but more about that later.


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