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Monday, July 11, 2005

Swing Time!
Posted by sabredutch

Let's Dance!
Posted by sabredutch

Swing it away!
Posted by sabredutch

Band in action!
Posted by sabredutch

The band at Pier 25, July 10th 2005
Posted by sabredutch

Smile On! July10th 2005 You can see Bruce and Drake on the back ground.
Posted by sabredutch

Smiling Swingers... and more? LOL
Posted by sabredutch

Suzanne and Doug, July 10th 2005, NYC Pier 25
Posted by sabredutch

Anna and Doron July 10th 2005, NYC Pier 25
Posted by sabredutch

Let's swing! Suzanne Couture dancing the night away on the left... she just came back from Fire Island. That night I saw Marla, Bruce, Martha, Heather (YUK), Rodney, Sardine (LOL), Anna-Bananna, Laurie, and Eliot!
Posted by sabredutch

Pier 25, NYC, July 10th 2005, First Night! After the park we drove to Pier 25 on the west side highway near the AmEx office building and WTC. Every summer for the past 5 years, right after Lincoln Center's Mid Summer Night Swing, Dance Manhattan (dance school) and Pier 25 organize every Sunday night for 7 weeks free live dances with LIVE music. Catherine and I went there to continue and share our booties and meet some of the swing crowd ...dancing to Jazz under the moon light!
Posted by sabredutch

Love that smile
Posted by sabredutch

Yum...all we did was smile, giggle and kiss for hours like 12 year olds. Thank g-d!
Posted by sabredutch

Do without glasses...Yes, folks it's official I am in 7th heaven
Posted by sabredutch

Quite Happy! Nay, Delirious! All I could do was smile... from ear to ear.
Posted by sabredutch

DoDo in the park! July 10th 2005...Yes, I was there too! ;)
Posted by sabredutch

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Investing in Gaza - New York Times

Investing in Gaza - New York Times

If people would only listen more to Thomas Friedman (NYT). His ability to understand the people on the ground, in the battle zone is something we clearly miss in many politicians who are supposed to work for us by listening to us. Why is the world indeed not supporting the Palastinians and the Israelis as they are nearing a critical milestone with the Gaza's withdrawel.

Condy, you should be there for the next 4 weeks holding their hands.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Posted by sabredutch

Posted by sabredutch

42nd street!
Posted by sabredutch

Posted by sabredutch

Posted by sabredutch

Posted by sabredutch

Posted by sabredutch

Princess in action!
Posted by sabredutch

Smiling Suzanne
Posted by sabredutch

Suzanne Couture! Vive Montreal! - Vixen!
Posted by sabredutch

Friends! We have met in June of 2001 under the stars of Tavern on the Green, when Mariadelle and I were dating. I believe that Mariadele spilled a drink on either Alexis or Laura while we dancing to 80's music. We were all so casual dancing at fancy place with sneakers :) Unfortunatly we both failed to stay in touch very well after this birthday party...
Posted by sabredutch

Posted by sabredutch

Posted by sabredutch

Posted by sabredutch

Dancing Queens July 4th Suzanne Couture and Marla on the dance floor!
Posted by sabredutch

The band
Posted by sabredutch

Funky Swing in midtown July 4th '05
Posted by sabredutch

George Gee and the NYC swing crowd July 4th @ BB King's, the music was nice, however we missed Ron Sunshine.
Posted by sabredutch

Having a blast! What it's your bday???
Posted by sabredutch

Carie & Pexie party away!
Posted by sabredutch

Spunky Cat Girls - Alexis's good friend
Posted by sabredutch

Alexis & Rebecca July 4th '05 - Tonight we all met up at BB King's on 42nd street in midtown for the Swing Festival AND for Alexis Levinson Bday party!
Posted by sabredutch

Monday, July 04, 2005

PSP, windows compatible ;)
Posted by sabredutch

Too Funny
Posted by sabredutch

Note to SONY: Time for new OS? - a close look
Posted by sabredutch

Playstation on overdrive NYC - So as we are biking back at around 5 PM in the city we came across a fantastic bill board on Housten for PSP - however when you take a good look at the screen you will notice that you are NOT the only one with an ERROR message from Bill Gates ;)
Posted by sabredutch

World famous Nathan's - For those of you who think that a true hot dog is what you buy on the street, let me share with you a little secret: ready?
Posted by sabredutch

Quick Healthy Bite - Yum...
Posted by sabredutch

A NYC experience. Don't ask me what they were doing there - perhaps the old Hot Dog was finally burned by the HOT sun rays...
Posted by sabredutch

True New Yorkers - and lots of them!
Posted by sabredutch

Posted by sabredutch

Shoot Doron? Keep on smiling ;)
Posted by sabredutch

A popular attraction...shoot Do.. eh the Freak, it's hard to imagine that we have gooten this far, but you can actually pick up a rifle here, aim and hsoot a true living and breathing fellow human being for a teddy bear!
Posted by sabredutch

For those of you who do not live in NYC, the best way to explain Coney Island is as follows, it is the same beach line like the Hamptons, however in true NYC fashion, the North part is for well to do peep's and the southern tip is for the regular peep's! The beach is nice, the food crapy and the music annoying. It is only 17 miles from Union Sq.
Posted by sabredutch

Rick is amazed by the inner workings of a miniature bike pump...
Posted by sabredutch

This first initiation Sunday Ride we decided to bike to Coney Island, a true NYC experience. The ride is fairly easy, meeting @ Union Sq, going down on Broadway to Houston, taking the Bowery to the fabulous Brooklyn, taking Atlnatic Avenue to Prospect Park and continueing straight forward to the beach...
Posted by sabredutch

Sunday July 3rd, Rick Bruner (DoubleClick), Kevin Lee (Did-It) and myself (IAB) decide to finally create the much needed "NYC Ad Geek Bikers" (Club) since we have been biking now off and on for a couple of years. So what does the NYCAdGeekBikers stand for? Fast & Furious road biking right? Hmm, let's see, how should I describe it... The intention is there to go fast, loose calories & stress and stop talking "shop". We really only manage to loose stress, the other 3 galant goals usually eveporate quickly since we tend to go slow, talk shop, gossip and to top it off eat really unhealthy food during the ride.
Posted by sabredutch